Friday, July 24, 2009

Back from a distance

I haven't written in a while. Reading back a bit, I seem to have been on a low swing of sorts. My Birthday was great. I had two beautiful students actually come to my house with a cake for kidding... crazy kids :D My wife dropped the negativity. She seemed happy with the gift she got me, a fact that meant more to me than the gift itself. Although, it certainly is a nice little Ipod touch. WE had lobster rolls and my kids were happy for me. Nice all the way around. Its funny, after writing fairly regularly for a while, its difficult to pick it back up again, because its hard to know what to write about.
My back saga continues. I am still going to physical therapy (I just went today). But I feel a thousand times better. I am going to see the Neurosurgeon in august... I love physical therapy, even though it hurts a bit. I can't believe how much better I feel.
I am reading a book right now that is kind of capturing my mind in ways that I like and dislike. I am reading a book about Jack the Ripper, by Patricia Cornwell. She spent over a million of her own dollars to solve the case of who the heck the guy was, and I think, and she thinks, that she nailed it down to this artist, Walter Sickert. It is really interesting to read, but the accounts of the murders are so freaking greusome. I don't even like to let my mind go there... dismemberment, etc... I have learned a ton about serial killers. More than I want to know, but I can't seem to stop reading it. I have also learned a ton about prostitution, both now and in the early 1800's. It is truly an awful thing.
hmm. I guess that is it for now. I am back in the swing of things.

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