I went to visit a friend that I haven't seen really in about twenty years or so today. He was my best friend in highschool. It was actually really nice, surreal, but nice. He was the lead singer of our band, lol. He is still singing and way into the band scene, which I actually admire. I have to say, the thing that I left admiring the most about Kris was that he was completely true to himself. He is, pretty much who he was in the 10th grade. Who can say that? I certainly am not. I completely changed. But yeah. He was really nice. There were far too many people there and I could see that he was struggling with paying attention to them all, especially when his "work" friend showed up. He had a big house with toys everywhere: course for various four wheelers and dunebuggy, complete jam room, on an on. I feel like it was kind of a collection of things that he wanted when he was younger and there they all were in his dream home.
It made me think hard about what I really want. What is my dream future? Am I living it, or at least toward it? I think to some degree I am. I always envisioned myself in a cute small house. But the one that I was in had a lot more "scope for the imagination." It had things like a view and a natural quaintness that lived there.
I had a hard time seeing my house as that house when we first had it built. There are a lot of things that have to happen to my land and house to make that come true. I keep running into financial walls. but we have only been here for going on three years. And before that there was woods here. I guess that is progress.
I think above everything, I want a house that breathes well-being. I want to be able to see my kids grow into mature, thinking and caring people. I want to bring real beauty out. And somehow, I want it all to be connected to the land around me.
So, thanks Kris, for being so kind, and also for making me consider.