It made me think hard about what I really want. What is my dream future? Am I living it, or at least toward it? I think to some degree I am. I always envisioned myself in a cute small house. But the one that I was in had a lot more "scope for the imagination." It had things like a view and a natural quaintness that lived there.
I had a hard time seeing my house as that house when we first had it built. There are a lot of things that have to happen to my land and house to make that come true. I keep running into financial walls. but we have only been here for going on three years. And before that there was woods here. I guess that is progress.
I think above everything, I want a house that breathes well-being. I want to be able to see my kids grow into mature, thinking and caring people. I want to bring real beauty out. And somehow, I want it all to be connected to the land around me.
So, thanks Kris, for being so kind, and also for making me consider.
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