Friday, June 5, 2009

Life comes and goes

I fell asleep on the living room floor about half an hour ago. I have been living this twighlight existance now for a couple weeks. I wake up a few times throughout the night and pace around, sometimes take a hot shower, sometimes take medicine, then, a half-an-hour later, I go back to bed. I have been waking up for the morning around 5 or 6ish. Then, I go to work. The muscles in my arm are so weak now. I have a hard time pushing doors open. I can't throw things with any amount of accuracy anymore, even across the room. It is so weird how this happened. Still, I have times during the day where it doesn't even hurt at all. It just feels a bit tight.

Henry learned how to use the point and click camera we have today. I came home and he proudly came running up and told me that he wanted to go out taking pictures of birds with me. Funny, I haven't done that at all this year. I am just waiting for my arm to come back. I am going to go to physical therapy in a couple of weeks.... will it still be bad then?? I might go to a chiropractor before that.

I am not sure how I feel about them. They seem like so much less of a science to me. Still, I have to do something. I have weened myself off of the muscle relaxers and the motrin. So now all I have is vicotin and pain tolerance. I have these tomato plants that are so huge and just need to get transplanted into the garden, but I can't get myself to risk the injury. It might be fine, but it might set things back to the beginning, which would be .... b a d.

Jenny cooked spicy stringbeans and chinese sausage over rice today for supper and it was really good. Nora is avoiding getting a diaper change. Henry is wandering aimlessly around the house, I am on this laptop and Jenny is taking care of Nora... Life is pretty normal.

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