Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Something old something new

Well, I almost slept through the night last night. I woke up at 2 again, and I took a vicotin and two motrin and a shower. Then I forced myself to lie down even though my shoulder hurt so bad. It still hurts right now.
I went to the hospital yesterday to have xrays. It was actually kind of fun. I liked being positioned by the tech and told to hold my breath. That tech was actually a really cool guy. He was an ex-construction worker, and he still spoke like one. He kept calling me "brother." "Alright brother, your gonna have to turn a little bit to the right now." He also kept forgetting which shoulder he should be xraying. When I pointed it out the first time, he quickly told me that he "used to do construction before this" and that he "didn't know what the hell he was doing." WOW a human in a hospital!! I didn't think that happened. There were actually two techs and the first one was what I would have expected: Zero affect, nondescript face, most likely gay. I was happy when he left, and I think the construction worker was as well.
My aunt Pauline was working at the hospital, in radiatioin, as well. She is so great. She has this demeanor that is so her and she is constant in it. It was nice to see her. She reminded me that I look a lot like my uncle Bruce that died a couple years ago. I do look like him... I wish a little less in the fat department... But I do. Hm.. another thing: Whenever I go to Gardner, which I did for the xrays, I realize that everyone kinda looks alike. I once told someone at college that they were from Gardner and I had no idea who they even were, and I was right. They all look alike... and, a little bit like me. Which I hate. Because I am not a fan of Gardner. I had a prof once describe Gardner as the armpit of Massachusetts. I completely agree. So, it is always a strange experience for me to go there. My whole family practically works in that hospital.
At any rate, I am going to find out the results of all of those xrays today hopefully. I went online and typed in the symptoms that I am having with my back (something that you should never do) and got all of the responses of herniated disks. I really pray that it is nothing like that. I just want feeling back in my finger and the constant pain to go away.
At Bible Study, two weeks ago, I asked why we should even pray to God for healing, because it doesn't seem like He heals us anyway. In my heart, I knew that I didn't totally agree with what I had said, Henry's lead poisoning was a pretty miraculous and I know that all good comes from Him. And now, I am in the exact position that I was describing, to some degree. I have pain that won't go away.
I do pray that He will take it away and that I won't have to have some awful surgery. I do believe in God and that He is active down here. So, what am I learning from this.... I have no idea right now. All I know, is that I ask for this to end and it hasn't yet. I am getting through it, but I am worried that this will be some thing that I have to suffer with for a long time.
That would be pretty awful.
I think.

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