Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I do not in any way like or trust politicians. Teaching, is oddly involved in this. Its not really teaching, it is more like Administration. I went to a meeting today and heard my Big Boss... tell me everything that I wanted to hear. I left thinking that I had actually heard absolutely nothing. I have no faith in politicians... nor do I have faith in the system in any way. I want to have faith in our new president. I did for a while... but I think that the system is so corrupt that I just can't. I have faith in my interaction with individual people. I have to think about what to write about this....maybe if I wake up tonight.... if.


B.S. Diehl said...

Do I make your hatelist if I'm president of my class?

DaveB said...

:) You are the least politiciany person I have ever met Bryan... Think I am exaggerating? I'm not.