Thursday, June 25, 2009

when all things are

Today this blog equalled the length of my other largest blog. And that one is just writing prompts. So, that is serious. Yup... serious... .. .. ... no, its not.

I found out that I don't have to get injected with dye for my MRI this Saturday morning at 7:30! That is one of the happier things ever because that means no injections and it means I am that many steps away from being one of those animals all pumped full of formaldehyde.

I am going to say goodbye to a bunch of very sad eighth graders today. Its funny, I think we (8th graders and I) know on some level that this graduation is kinda silly. But still, I find it meaningful and they do too. It is sad to see people that I have got to know and like leave, with all likelihood, forever. But it is also kind of neat to have a ceremony to mark the occasion. What I am not looking forward to is trying to make my back sit nicely in one of those seats for a while. If my back is bad, I have no idea if I am going to be able to do that. So, I might be some strange walking around teacher at graduation. Thank God Central Tree doesn't televise it like MTV did.

This has been kind of an amazing year for me. But I think I will save those thoughts for my next post... it has though.


Kelsey Lee said...

haha I was a wreck on the last day of 8th grade ... oh hindsight ...

Kelsey Lee said...
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Zach said...

i think the world could use more strange walking around teachers

DaveB said...
